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Today’s Homebuyer’s are getting smarter!

May 4, 2010

Charleston Real Estate Tips:

I had just had to repost this gem courtesy of Lisa Udy from Active Rain .  This so summed up the point of logic returning to the market that I couldn’t resist.  The bottom line for me as a Realtor is that in the most ideal situation, I am a true advisor, helping a client recognize and analyze the pros as well as the cons of home ownership in general, a specific property specifically, and how the decision fits into their overall “life plan.”  This really is the main reason that I constantly read books, go to classes, and network with other professionals in the industry.  That exposure makes me a better “Helper.”  I know that term may confuse some but in the end, a good real estate advisor is nothing more than someone standing on the banks of life wanting to throw you a life rope. 

As for the following post, again I cannot take the credit but can absolutely “second that emotion!”

Have you noticed the difference of today’s home buyer compared to 5 years ago? Today’s home buyers have changed and it’s a great sign for the future. I can’t talk about every market across the nation, but from what I have been seeing here, home buyers are getting smarter. 

Crazy Home Buyer ManRemember back in the “hey days,” when home buyers would buy a home and wouldn’t think twice?

It went a little something like this:

“Can you show me that luxury home?” Said Mr. 2004 home buyer on a teachers salary.

“Sure I can show you that home, but I need to know if you can afford it.” Said Mrs. 2004 real estate agent. 

“Oh, it’s not a problem, I have this loan where I can pay almost nothing for the first 5 years, and I know I will get a raise by then so it’s all good.” Said Mr 2004 home buyer on a teachers salary.

“Well, if that’s how it’s going to be, I would love to show you that home, do you have any money down?” Says Mrs. 2004 real estate agent.

“Money down? Na, I don’t need money down. I have a loan that I only pay this fee to the lender, but it’s all good, the fee is in the loan to. I don’t need to worry about it though, because in five years I’ll just sell the home and upgrade to a bigger mansion next to the lake. Home prices will always go up.” Said Mr. 2004 home buyer on a 34k a year teachers salary. 

“Yeah you’re probably right, home prices will probably just go up, let’s get you into that home!”Mrs. 2004 real estate agent.

This was an all to common scenario when buying a home was a “short term investment” rather then a home. Mr. home buyer would get a loan that he couldn’t afford and Mrs. real estate agent would say let’s get the deal done.

It was win – win. 

Today’s Home Buyer Is Getting Smarter…

I said home buyers are getting smarter these days. Does that mean home buyers back then were stupid? Not at all. Where they careless? Maybe. Were real estate agents part of the problem? Definitely. Can we blame the home buyer? Sure. Blame the banks? Seems a good fit. Blame the government? Of course, always blame the government. 

So what makes today’s home buyer smarter? Simple. Do you remember when you were a little kid and one day you thought you would try and stick a  metal fork into the outlet to see where those little wholes went? What happened? You got zapped. 

It’s the same thing today with home buyers. No matter who’s fault it was, the collapse of the real estate market was a wake up call to a lot of people. People got stung and many of them are still feeling the sting. It hurt, it hurts, and will continue to hurt until we wake up and take our forks out of the socket. 

Smarter Home BuyerHome buyers on the fence? GOOD! Stay on the fence until you’re sure you’re ready.  

Home buyers weighing risks? GREAT! Know the risks, calculate their effects on you long term, and make an educated decision. 

Want more money down? EXCELLENT! I applaud you. 

Not sure about job security? WAIT! Good for you. 

Home buyers today are more reluctant, more calculating, and are becoming smarter. People got bit in this recession and they won’r forget for a very long time. People are thinking twice before putting their forks into those little holes and that is the only way we can move into the right direction in the future.

No matter what the government does to prop up the market or what REALTORS(R) say or how easy it is to get credit, home buyers are becoming smarter with their decisions. 

So, Mr. and Mrs. 2010 home buyer, you make my job a little harder, you make your loan officers job a little harder, but you make our future brighter. Keep it up.

Real Estate Tips- Why some homes will NEVER sell!

April 13, 2010

Every day, I talk with sellers that want to hire the very best agent to list and sell their home.  The definition of this should be an agent that has proven that they can market and sell a property for the highest possible price that the market will bear.  There are a laundry list of things that should and should not be done but the most important factor is the Seller and Agent WORKING TOGETHER towards the common goal.  Read more about this from one of my earlier blogs.

In the following blog post courtesy of Jonathan Benya on Active Rain, I have adjusted just a few numbers to reflect our local market in Charleston, SC.  Outside of that, Jonathan does an excellent job of summing up this all too common problem that plagues all realtors and he would be my agent of choice if listing in Southern Maryland!

“Teresa Boardman over at the St. Paul Real Estate Blog recently posted a very direct article about homes that “eat” Realtors. The concept sounds funny, yet the reality behind it is anything but. The fact is, some homes sit on the market for years without being able to sell and the home ends up going through several different listing agents, each failing to get the home sold.

Here’s how it happens:

Step 1: A seller lists their property in Mount Pleasant, SC with a Realtor. Realtor does a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA), and determines the home is worth $350,000, and the seller decides to list the home for $375,000.  

Step 2: House fails to sell. Meanwhile, the home down the street sells for $350,000. After 6 months, the seller decides the agent hasn’t done their job and fires them.

Step 3: Seller hires a new agent, and lists the house for $350,000. The current CMA shows the home is now only worth $325,000. Once again the home is overpriced because the market value is declining. The house sits on the market for another 6 months without a single offer.

Step 4: The agent can’t sell the overpriced house, so the seller fires them, and hires someone else. The home has been on the market for a year now, with 3 different agents. This time, the seller lists the home at $325,000. Again, the market has declined and the home is only worth $300,000.

Step 5: I think you get the idea here….

The problem is not with a bad agent who listed the house, nor is it because the market is bad. The problem is a bad seller. Had the home been listed for $350,000 from the start, it would have sold. Every month the property sits on the market is another month that the home is losing value, and as time goes by less and less people even bother to view the property.

The other thing to bear in mind is appraisers look at the same comparable sales that we as Realtors look at. If the market analysis can’t support a listing price of $375,000, odds are good that the appraiser won’t be able to support the price either.

The Solution

As a Realtor, my solution is simple. If the seller is determined to list the home for a price that I feel is unrealistic, I don’t have to take the listing. It doesn’t make sense for agents to take dead on arrival listings like that because we don’t get paid for our services on homes that don’t sell. For a seller, if you think your Realtor’s analysis of your home is inaccurate, it might be a good idea to have a formal appraisal done on the property. It’s extremely rare for someone to be able to sell a home for more than the appraised value because lenders will not write a loan for more than a home is worth.

There are lots of appraisal companies in the Charleston, SC area, and the cost is generally a couple hundred dollars. It’s a small price to pay in order to be able to sell your home for $350,000 now rather than waiting months or years to find out the home has lost $100,000 in value. At the end of the day it just doesn’t make sense for sellers or agents to list properties for more than they are actually worth.  I understand wanting to make sure you do get as much as possible for your home, but listening to the expert opinion of your Realtor can make the difference between a sale and a HUGE LOSS!”

So if you need help and want to avoid this cycle of regret and disappointment, we are always here to help!

Please let us here your opinion…all comments will enter you in a drawing for a 1 hour complimentary home and staging assessment!  Drawing will be Monday April 19, 2010!

Dear Seller- 10 Sure Fire Ways to distract Buyers from focusing on your home

April 9, 2010

This is a GREAT repost (Courtesy of Noelle Blazevich on ActiveRain)that is relative to Charleston, SC Real Estate, relative to EVERY Real Estate Agent no matter their experience level, and is a FANTASTIC point for all of our current and future clients to keep in mind as you work with us to SELL YOUR HOME!  The harsh fact for most seller’s to face is really the simplest one…if your goal is to sell your home and move on to your next stage in life anyway, get a jumpstart on the cleanout, the packing, the paint touchup and repairs (that a savvy buyer will require in today’s market to produce a top-dollar sale), etc. and MAKE THE COMMITMENT to sell your house.  This is a physical, emotional, and cerebral commitment that is absolutely necessary to achieve the desired result:



  1. To sell your home for the most money
  2. To sell your home in the least amount of time
  3. To sell your home with the lowest number of showings (greatly reduces your hassle of keeping the home “show-ready”)


Normally I link to the blog only but i did not want to break the reader’s concentration so here the blog is in it’s entirety!

This may seem a bit harsh but it is just plain speaking honest commentary regarding my experience as a buyer’s agent.  The statements below are taken directly from the comments and behaviors of buyers viewing homes for sale.  It not meant to be negative but rather is meant to give sellers a bit of a look into the buyer’s head.  A chance to see things from the buyer’s perspective without the candy coating we agents typically put on things.

10) Leave your “friendly” dog roaming free inside the house when you know we are coming to see it.

Not all buyers are dog people.
Many whether they are dog people or not will actually be scared of your dog.
I have had clients refuse to go into homes because the dog was out.  Or they go in but don’t stay long because the dog is either scared of them or overly friendly.  It’s hard to pay attention to a home when your nether regions are being inspected by Fido. 
If the buyers are true dog people they are going to focus on the dog not on the house.
Trust me I have seen it happen. 
One way or the other your pet has effectively distracted the buyer from looking at your home.

9) Leave something aromatic cooking in the crock pot for your dinner that night

Not all buyers are going to be fans of your food choices.  In fact if it is particularly aromatic and something the buyer’s don’t care for, they are likely to ask me if I think the smell will come out or leave quickly because they don’t like the smell. 
They were so focused on your food choice they didn’t look at your house.

8) Keep photos of your family up throughout the house

Guess what, buyers are going to look at your family photos to try to figure out who you are, do they know you, how many kids do you have?

Guess what they are not doing?  Looking at your house.

7) Keep all your nick knacks out

I know they are precious to you but honestly they are distracting to the buyer.  Instead of looking at the fabulous mantle the buyer will be looking at all the items on the mantel.  As with family photos, buyers will often comment on these items trying to form opinions on who you, the sellers, are rather than focusing on the home.

Pack them up in boxes so you have one less thing to do later on moving day.

6) Make it difficult for me to show your house

I know selling your home is a pain, that you have a life and the appointment time I’m suggesting might not fit into your schedule.   
But, hey I have a buyer that wants to look at your house. 
You want to sell your house right? 
Know what happens when you can’t make that appointment time work?  The buyer goes and looks at other houses that are available to see at that time.  Do buyers reschedule to see your house at a later date?  Often times not.  Many buyers find another home that they like or are just not interested in going back to see one they couldn’t see right away.  I am not saying that you have to turn your life completely upside down and backwards.  I am just saying that if our appointment time does not work for you don’t be surprised when we don’t reschedule.  The buyer is likely to have moved on.

5) To continue on the pet theme, leave your cat roaming free throughout the house with a note by the front door stating “Please do not let the cat out”.

You are setting up a stressful rather than relaxing situation for the potential buyer and for me the buyers agent.  Buyers are forced to dash in and out of doors rather than wander freely throughout the home and property.  They miss out on the opportunity to call back into the house to their spouse or partner that “they have got to come see this garden, bbq area, hot tub etc” because they had to shut the door so the cat didn’t get out.  If they do get wrapped up in looking at the house and forget to shut doors I have to remind them instead of pointing out the features and benefits of your property.  You just made me the nagging hall monitor instead of the helpful agent.  When your pet does manage a jail break, as I swear 99% of them do, I am forced to give chase to Houdini the Wonder Kitty.  Meanwhile my buyers are cooling their heals either irritated that we are off schedule or more likely worried that you are going to be mad if we don’t catch your pet and get them back inside your home.

Again the focus has been shifted away from your home.

4) Don’t replace burned out light bulbs or use low wattage bulbs.

Yes I know it’s only the laundry room, a closet or the spare bedroom you never use but guess what? The buyer wants to see these spaces and when the buyer can’t see it they can’t form an opinion.  Use a good high watt bulb that appropriatley lights the space.  While the lower wattage bulb will save on your electric bill it will also make for a dark space.  Dark spaces do not impress buyers.  I will typically bring a flash light to help out when a bulb is out but it is still not the same as having a working bulb with the appropriate wattage to light the room to the best benefit.  Buyers will focus on the burned out bulb instead of the space.  Is it just the bulb?  Is there something wrong with the fixture?  If the bulb is dim buyers will focus on how dark the space is instead of how useful it might be.

Don’t give them a chance to wonder and worry just replace the bulb and show off the assests of your home in the “best light”.

3) Close all the curtains and turn off all the lights

When we walk into the house instead of immediately noticing the great things about the house we are going to be fumbling around looking for light switches.  It is likely that either I or one of the buyers may stub a toe on a hall table trying to find the switch.  Buyers are hesitant to enter dark areas.  In a home that is dark the buyers tend to follow me around as I turn lights on instead of lingering in various rooms to focus on what they might like about a room.  They feel more like they are intruding and less like they are welcome.  Instead of paying attention to the homes benefits they worry about whether they remembered to turn a light off as they left a room.   They also don’t get as much of my attention because instead of being able to answer their questions about whether or not the fridge is included or what the square footage of the lot is I am running around opening and shutting drapes and turning light switches on and off.

I know it may not be practical to leave all the drapes open and all the lights on all the time.  At least leave the drapes open on the windows with the best views and leave a few lights on so we can find our way around the house.  If it was on when we got there I will leave it on when we depart.  If it was off I will turn it off.  Please at least leave the porch light on.  I do carry a flashlight but it is just not the same as pulling up to a home with a welcoming porch light on.

2) Turn the heat down (or A/C off in Charleston!)

I know especially if you have already moved out that you would like to save on that energy bill but if it is colder in your house than it is outside buyers don’t want to linger.  They don’t get a warm cozy feeling from your home.  They just feel cold and that feeling transfers to an emotional opinion of your home.  If you can’t keep the heat all the way up at least keep it at 55 so we are comfortable in our coats and for heaven sake if you are going to turn the heat down don’t expect us to take our shoes off, leave some shoe covers.

One of the quickest ways to drive a potential buyer out of your house is to make them view a cold house in stocking feet.  It is hard to admire the spacious kitchen when your feet are being flash frozen by the cold tile floors.

1) Stay in your home while we are showing it

This is the BEST most SURE FIRE way to make a large majority of buyers uncomfortable.  Buyers don’t even come close to paying attention to the features and benefits of a home if you are there.  They are so nervous about offending you and so uncomfortable looking at your home while you sit in your living room or worse follow them around that they rush through. They will tell you thanks for letting them look and dash out. Upon leaving they can’t begin to tell me if they noticed what colors the wall were, if there was carpet in the living room or if they liked the kitchen or not. 

What they do tell me is “That was uncomfortable”, “I don’t like looking at homes when the seller is there” and “Can you make sure the seller will be gone at the next one, if they are there I don’t want to see it”

Leave, even if you go sit in your car, take a walk around the block or dash over to your neighbors, just leave.  The buyer will stay longer and pay more attention to your home then if you are there.  If they are interested in your home and have questions I will call your agent and ask.  Think about it.  Would you feel comfortable wandering through someone’s master bedroom and checking out the closet space while they were sitting in the living room?

If the buyers fall in love with you home and decide to make an offer there will likely come a time where they will want to meet you and discuss your home at length and in detail with you. Typically buyer’s and seller’s agents are more than happy to set up this meeting.  It is just not the first time the buyers are viewing your home.

Again, Please keep in mind these statements are meant to be helpful to sellers and give them a chance to look at things from the buyer’s perspective.  These are just some of the things that may not typically be thought of as a big deal but do in fact distract buyer’s focus.  This is also NOWHERE NEAR the end of this list and we would LOVE to hear your suggestions as well as agent stories of the worst example of the “not-ready to show” house!


Real Estate Tips: I don’t Know but I’ll Find Out…

April 8, 2010


This is a GREAT repost (Courtesy of Kevin Heinrich on ActiveRain)that is relative to Charleston, SC Real Estate, relative to EVERY Real Estate Agent no matter their experience level, and is a FANTASTIC point for all of our current and future clients to keep in mind as you interview and work with agents!

“I don’t know, but I will find out,” is said by some very smart people.

We are not paid to know it all. The more I know, the better, but better to check back than to have to make a midcourse correction down the road.

Most of what we deal with is repetitive. The same questions keep coming up. That means we ought to work on some good answers and be able to deliver them with conviction. If in the process of moving the sale we run into something we have not dealt with, it is best to stop the process and promise a researched response rather than to attempt to deal off the top of your head. You might get the sale, and you might get it right, but why take chances when you can assure a quality answer just by checking the facts?


Now I want to go a step further and talk about how this attitude can completely derail your house buying or selling dreams.  In short, a pompous agent has a bullseye on their back for the savvy negotiator.  Contrary to what you may think, I often stroke the ego of a “bigshot” agent to lull them into agreeing (think: “…well I know you’ve seen this hundreds of times so I’ll just use the language you’re used to”) . 

Also if someone walks in to list your property and improperly prices your home because they aren’t familiar with the particulars of your actual market or the house specifically, they end up “Buying” the listing by telling you a number that is hopelessly TOO HIGH putting you on an accelerated path down a dead-end street of NO SALE!

Just today during prospecting, I spoke with an out-of-state owner who’s listing had expired at $2.5M in downtown Charleston.  In discussing the property with her, I asked her what she was willing to take as the home is in disrepair in comparison to other properties listed at $2.5M…her response: “…not a penny under $1.5M.”  I was shocked…here I was prepared to go into detail about the market surrounding the property and how $2.5M was completely unrealistic and she said a full $1,000,000 under her previous list price.  The reason?  Her former listing agent told her that the property would be “worth at least that” once fixed up and in her opinion thought that $50,000-$100,000 would get the property there…in reality $500,000 or more is more accurate.  So now, this poor owner has been languishing on the market for over a year at a laughable list price….I just hope that the “staleness” of the listing can be overcome with a realistic list price (and hopefully I’ll be the one to help her:)

Now on the Buying side, I have often been the second or third agent to work with a Buyer only to hear stories of woe, “just barely” losing out on multiple houses.  The reason, an uneducated agent that runs some comps and finds a statistic saying that the average sales price in a given neighborhood is 5.2% below the average list price so agent suggests an offer 10% below the list price “as a rule.”  While an interesting statistic, it is completely irrelevant for a property that is priced aggressively (read correctly) or even under the market value.  That is where the actual research, just 1 or 2 more steps really, MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE!



Do you know some good providers that fit this bill?  Or stories of how you have been bitten by someone that spoke/acted before having the EXACT info? Let us know in the comments section!

A Lowcountry Weekend: Out and About

April 2, 2010

Easter Egg Hunts – Grab the family and your baskets because Peter Cottontail is making the rounds this weekend!

  • Freshfields Village – Loads of fun activities, photos with the Easter Bunny, live musical entertainment, and more.

April 03, 2010, 10:00 am to April 03, 2010, 2:00 pm

From 10:00 am to 2:00 pm the Village Green will be full of kid’s activities such as a jump castle, crafts, and facepainting by Cupcake the Clown.

Enjoy live music from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm by John Cusatis.

Browse artwork by members of the Kiawah & Seabrook Island Artist Guild that will be on display throughout the day.

  • Coastal Community Church – The largest hunt in Charleston, with a whopping 30,000 candy-filled eggs (including 5,000 that will be dropped from a helicopter). The hunt begins promptly at 11:05 a.m.
  • Isle of Palms Children ages 12 and under are invited to the recreation grounds to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt and visit with the Easter Bunny. Participants can enjoy Easter Candy, Ice Cream, Jump Castles and Obstacle Courses. This is a FREE event. For more information please call 843-886-8294.

  • Middleton Place is holding an Easter Eggstravaganza at 11 a.m., at America’s oldest landscaped gardens.  Spring flowers, egg hunt, prizes, and natural egg dying.  Regular admission.  For more information, call 843-556-6020. 
  • Night Heron Park – Easter Egg Hunt and Toss, 10am on Easter Sunday. Bring the whole family to Night Heron Park for the annual Easter Egg Hunt & Toss. Prizes will be given to the finders of the golden eggs! Age groups will be divided prior to beginning of hunt. The hunt starts promptly at 10am. Please bring your own basket. Admission is complimentary. Take your picture with the Easter Bunny beginning at 9:30am.Tye Dye, 1:30pm – 2:30pm.  Come take part in Kiawah Island Golf Resort’s most popular family craft! Create your very own unique tye-dyed Kiawah logo t-shirt or pillowcase and have Night Heron and Sanctuary Golf Resortfun with your family. $12.  Sandsculpting Contest, 2:45pm – 4:30pm.  Meet the staff on the beach at Boardwalk # 18 for a sandy competition! Prizes awarded for the most creative and best Easter themed sand sculptures! Bring your creativity along with your sand tools. Judging will begin at 4:30pm. Admission is complimentary.  Easter Sunday Sundaes with Rick Hubbard, 6pm – 8pm.  Fan favorite Rick Hubbard and famous kazoo band will perform on the Night Heron Park Stage while you jump in jump castles and build your own ice cream sundaes. Please bring your blankets and beach chairs for seating. Admission is complimentary. Sundaes sold for $5.Kiawah

Farmer’s Market in Marion Square

Spring Festival of Houses and Gardens

  • Held during the peak of the historic port city’s blooming season, the 63rd Spring Festival of Houses and Gardens offers guests a rare opportunity to visit the private interiors of nearly 150 of the city’s most magnificent colonial and antebellum houses and gardens March 18 – April 17, 2010. The Charleston International Antiques Show (CIAS) will open the festival’s first weekend March 19-21.
    "Spring Festival of Houses and Gardens"

    Meeting Street Wisteria

    Charleston Battery

    View from the Battery

    Festival of Houses and Gardens

Do you know of an upcoming event that you want to share?  Let us know in our comments section.

Pillow Talk: Designing the Perfect Bedroom

April 1, 2010

Chambre. boudoir. alcoba. camera da letto.  No matter how you say it or how you style it, the bedroom is most definitely the ultimate reflection of you in your home.  Whether it is French Academie, shabby chic, or a fusion all your own, the bedroom should be a place of balance, renewal, and sweet, sweet dreams ma cherie.

So what are the essential elements in styling your bedroom?

Rozlyn Cmiel, head designer of Cobalt Interiors, gloriously shared with us

Cobalt Interiors

Rozlyn Cmiel, Cobalt Interiors

some pearls of wisdom on creating the perfect bedroom.  So snuggle up and read on for some inspiring style and helpful tips on bedroom design.(Blankets…check, candles…check–lavender and cedar wood so delish, and pillows…oh yes!)

R: After a whirlwind day of taking the dog for a walk, getting to work on time, running errands, baseball & ballet, making dinner, dishes, laundry, and taking the dog for a walk, the one place we look forward to is the serene comfort of our bedroom. Aaahhhhh. Relaxation. Rejuvenation.The bedroom is our private retreat from a hectic world, our sanctuary.  (so true)

In creating your sanctuary consider:

Comfort (first and foremost, the beauty is pain rule does not apply here)


Reflecting your own authentic style

1. As the most personal room in a home the bedroom will reflect your own authentic style through your selection of a bed frame, linens, fabrics, colors, furniture, lighting, window treatments, rugs, artwork and accessories.

This fresh look is a subtle mix of modern & traditional elements.  Linen fabrics serve as a backdrop for a funky print from Lu Lu DK on the feather filled shams. Unlined linen sheer drapery panels are an updated take on a timeless classic.  A modern upholstered headboard works alongside a more traditional styled white ceramic lamp paired with a clean modern shade.Trail of Inspiration

2. Soothing color palettes are perfect for the bedroom. Soft blue hues are peaceful while shades of greens, neutrals and browns are nurturing.

If you love vibrant, strong colors bring those into the room as your punch color in the accents rather than as a wall color.

Soothing blue hues paired with silky textures and curves create a comfortable and inviting bedroom.  Upholstered headboards are a favorite of mine because they allow you to soften a bedroom with beautiful bed covers and bed skirts.  Here we used a tufted headboard with an elegantly curved top along with a scalloped edged bedcover and a gathered bed skirt in a sheer fabric.  Silk drapes are the final luxurious touch to complete the room.

bedroom design

Rozlyn Cmiel, Cobalt Interiors Portfolio

3. Create a relaxing sitting area in the bedroom where you can actually slow down the pace and read a book, or just eat bon-bons! Here we completed the room a piece of artwork from the client’s collection, an antique side table and a warm throw.

sitting room designs

Rozlyn Cmiel, Cobalt Interiors Portfolio

4. THE BED perhaps the most important item the room!  The bed must be comfortable and inviting, with the proper soft linens and fluffy pillows.

Restoration Hardware

Valencia Woodcut Pillows Navy Collection

While everyone has their personal favorite level of firmness in a mattress, nothing feels more luxurious than soft, silky sheets. Sheets come in a wide variety of colors however white is the classic and offsets any design style.

Sheets are offered in different fabrics with various weaves and thread counts.  While good old cotton is still luxury in a percale weave, bamboo is the newest soft fiber now widely available.


  • Gather samples of a few paint colors you like while planning your design direction.  Choose your final paint after you have your fabrics for the room.  It is much easier to match a paint color to a fabric rather than finding the fabric to work with a paint color.
  • Photos of loved ones and personal mementos
    Photographs or mementos

    Rozlyn Cmiel, Cobalt Interiors Portfolio

    that remind us of special moments in our lives complement our room’s style, or perhaps they are the inspiration for sweet dreams!

  • Elle Décor has a great run down on Buying Sheets
  • Pillow top mattresses can be high, when purchasing a new mattress set ask if there is a low profile box spring available.

Like this post?  Well, we want to know what you think.  Comment or share this blog and you will be entered to win a complementary 2 hour design consultation with Rozlyn Cmiel, Cobalt Interiors.  Winner will be chosen Friday April 9th.


For Sale: 5BR/5+1BA Single Family House in Isle Of Palms, SC, $1,979,555

March 30, 2010




For Sale: 5BR/5+1BA Single Family House in Isle Of Palms, SC, $1,979,555

For Sale: 3BR/1BA Single Family House in North Charleston, SC, $126,900

March 30, 2010





For Sale: 3BR/1BA Single Family House in North Charleston, SC, $126,900

Real Estate Tips- REALLY need to sell? What to look for in a real estate agent.

March 30, 2010

Real Estate Tips- REALLY need to sell? What to look for in a real estate agent.

In today’s real estate market, it is imperative that Home/Property Sellers get it right.  By that I mean that the competitive nature of the current real estate market needs to be matched by an agent/team that is equally as competitive and experienced…not just selling real estate, but SELLING REAL ESTATE IN TODAY’s MARKET!  In short, things are VERY different than in the hayday of 3-5 years ago.  So for that reason, this list although timeless, will have a definate edge towards what you will face it today’s market.  Probably the biggest aspect ignored and overlooked by real estate agents and consumers alike, is the cooperation needed on the part of YOU, the consumer.  Ever heard the line, “…I can only help someone that will help themselves?”…well the same is true in today’s real estate market where a real team outlook and effort is the only way to get the job done, beat the market, and SELL YOUR PROPERTY!  So what do I need you ask?

  1. Hire an Agent that doesn’t “need” your listing!  Now I know this may not make sense at first but what I mean is this.  Your agent needs to be prepared and capable of giving you the honest truth about what it will take to Sell Your Property.  Plain and simple, no fluff, based on experience and knowledge of the market but also based on their character.  If an agent comes to interview for your listing and is afraid to tell you that your price is too high, or your property needs to be spruced up, or that you just may have to explore a short-sale or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, THEY ARE NOT BRINGING REAL VALUE TO THE TABLE and in fact are working against you!  If they “need your listing” because it will make or break their month or God forbid, their year, they absolutely cannot objectively advise you.  You wouldn’t go to a Dr. that was afraid to give you the diagnosis that would save your life would you?
  2. Hire an agent with an equally strong support team and plan to handle ANYTHING that may come up…remember Murphy’s Law? Applies EVEN more in today’s real estate market than ever before!  You know, cliches are that for a very good reason, they make sense.  I cannot tell you how many times that my internal team, lenders, skilled builders and other construction professionals, have risen to the occasion to bring EXCELLENT and often unexpected service and results.  They are able to do this because of our time and battle tested experience with hundreds of real estate transactions.  The role of a good agent is to play quarterback, knowing exactly where his team members are supposed to be and making sure they are in the position to make a play when needed.  The lesson that I learn with each sale is how to further guard (bulletproof)against the unexpected (or at least be prepared with the right counter-attack).  You’ll have to work with My Team to get those secrets:)
  3. Hire a FULL-TIME Agent! With full-time service, comes value that offsets savings customers expect from a discounter or part-time agent. “If someone represents a client every so often, how can they negotiate with someone who is out there looking and negotiating week after week?” I actually got this question from a client of mine. In order to have knowledge about the market an agent must be always involved.  An agent who is seeing new properties every week, and or looking on the weekends, will offer that advantage to a buyer or seller.  Again back to the Dr. analogy, if you were having a life altering surgical procedure, would you want the Dr. that performed 3 of the same procedures last week, the Dr. that has read all of the books but hasn’t done the procedure, or the independently wealthy physician that works every other Tuesday and thinks they did something similar 6 months ago?  The answer is painfully simple in the analogy and the reality of selling your property.

Get a tech-savvy agent. Most home transactions today begin on the Internet (Actually 87% is a conservative estimate by the National Association of Realtors). All eventually get a technology assist.  How can this come into play to list my property you say?  MAXIMUM EXPOSURE = MAXIMUM PRICE!  Simple enough?  By working with an agent and company that aggregates to a multitude of sites where your potential buyers are looking, you are exposing the property far more effectively than with the agent that runs a Saturday newspaper ad (disclaimer: there are a couple of unique property types that the Newspaper still works for but those dwindle by the month).  Also important are the different tools to capture the buyer’s information the inquires on your property…this could be from a drive by sign call, web inquiry, ad in a magazine or call directly into the office.  To put it plainly, technology coupled with a great team, ensures that a potential buyer gets a response NOW rather than 2 days later which is imperative with the amount of choices facing today’s Buyer.  So the next breath has to discuss use of Blackberrys, IPODs, and other PDAs…plain and simple, if it helps me communicate with you more efficiently and in the manner that you want to talk, I am all for it, as long as personal boundaries and schedules are maintained!


5.  Hire an Agent that is well-respected by their peers!  This could easily go overlooked as you get suckered into the aggresive sales pitch, the flashy presentation, the completely confident “uber agent”.  Just remember that real estate sales and negotiation is just that, a negotiation of give and take.  Quiet confidence based on a history of positive experiences (and negative lessons learned) means that you have hired an agent known as a deal maker instead of a deal breaker.  I will admit it, there are agents in the Charleston, SC Real Estate market that I avoid working with if at all possible…some because they are inexperienced and dangerous for their clients, and some because they think they know it all which, as in life, is NEVER, NEVER, NEVER the case!

So there you have it, these are my thoughts on what traits a seller should look for…I would love to hear about yours in the Comments Section!


Charleston Events this Weekend…it’s Jam Packed!

March 26, 2010


Charleston Events for this weekend are brimming with opportunities no matter your interest or age.  Wondering what is going on this weekend?  So many choices you are wondering what to do and where to do it…well here’s a take on having a fun filled weekend by yourself, with friends,  family or anyone who wants to get out.

  1. Starting today all is in Bloom at the opening  of the Flowertown Festival in Summerville, SC.  It is all weekend long and you will not want to miss it if you have not been.  There is something for everyone.  Great food, Great music, lots of  shopping and giveaways, tours of the historic homes and there is lots of fun for the kiddos too with a carnival.  
  2. Tonight you can enjoy great music at Various Venues.  Cloverfest is playing at the Music Farm Downtown.  Sam Thacker is playing at the Windjammer on the Isle of Palms.  Halligan’s is hosting Psychostick-Nashville Pussy- Green Jelly starting at 7pm…that should be fun!  And you can catch more great music at The Tin Roof with the local rock quartet, Firework Show along with The He’s.
  3. Traffic is going to be fun Saturday morning on Coleman Blvd and downtown for a couple hours due to the Cooper River Bridge Run.  Another year has come and gone…and yes it is here.  This Saturday, March 27th 40,000 runners, joggers and walkers will come together to accomplish this 10k run over the Cooper River Bridge.  If you haven’t got a number then you are out of luck (officially that is as you can always go phantom without a number)…this one is sold out again.  But don’t dismay…you can be a spectator at the end and still enjoy the free food and activities for all. 

4.  For something a little different, you could head down to Theatre 99 downtown on Meeting Street to enjoy a great night of comedy improv on Friday night or Saturday night by the The Have Nots.

5.  And finally, the BEST thing to do this weekend for free is to ENJOY the wonderful weather we are enjoying in the entire Charleston area right now!!  This is exactly why we live and visit here!

Let us know what you’re doing this weekend!  We want to know if we have missed anything!